The Whittakers, of Odd, West Virginia, have been documented by filmmaker Mark Laita for two decades.
The family has a unique way of communicating – they are known to grunt, bark, and use gestures instead of words or sign language.
And now, in a recent update on the Whittakers, Laita has shared some important advice for anyone curious to meet them.

Laita first encountered the Whittakers in 2004 when he met family members Ray, Betty, Kenneth, Timmy, and Lorene.
His initial visit was met with hostility from protective neighbors. They were armed with shotguns and wary of outsiders ridiculing the family.
Despite this challenging start, Laita persevered and gained the family’s trust.
The filmmaker photographed the Whitakers for his book ‘Created Equal,’ which explores diverse American cultures and backgrounds.
In 2020, he revisited the family to deepen his understanding of their lives.

In an interview on the Koncrete KLIPS Podcast, Laita recounted his experiences with the Whittakers.
He vividly described scenes of the family members, noting misaligned eyes and exhibitions of erratic behavior.
“It was like that little scene from Deliverance that everyone knows. We came around to this road, which turns into a country road, which turns into a dirt road,” the filmmaker recalled.
“Then we come to this trailer and then a little shack on the other side of the road. And there’s these people walking around and their eyes are going in different directions and they are barking at us.
“And then one guy, you would look him in the eye or say anything and he would just scream and go running away, and his pants would fall around his ankles, and he would go running off and go and kick a garbage can. And this would happen over and over. It was out of control – the craziest thing I have ever seen.”

The filmmaker also acknowledged the difficulty in determining the extent of inbreeding within the family.
“There is no way I would be able to confirm that the Whittaker parents were related, but given that this does happen in this part of the country and the Whittakers are the most extreme case I’ve seen so far,” Laita said.
“I would bet that inbreeding was at least partly responsible for the mental and physical abnormalities seen in [siblings] Lorraine, Freddie, Ray, and [cousin] Timmy.”

The Whittakers became beneficiaries of two fundraising campaigns organized through Laita’s YouTube channel Soft White Underbelly.
However, recent developments have led to a breakdown in the relationship between Laita and the family.
A significant controversy arose when YouTuber Tyler Oliveira uploaded a video investigating the ‘poorest region of America,’ which included an interview with the Whittakers.

Betty Whittaker claimed ignorance about the whereabouts of the money raised for her family in the video.
This statement deeply upset Laita, who felt he was being portrayed as a money-grabbing scammer.
Vehemently defending his actions, the filmmaker stated: “Look at the Whittakers; their lives have improved greatly since I came into it, and that’s because I came through for them every time.”
Laita claims the family has regularly asked for thousands of dollars at a time, with the exact use of these funds remaining unclear.

Laita released a Soft White Underbelly video addressing the allegations directly.
The filmmaker showed screenshots of money transfers and announced his decision to discontinue his fundraisers for the Whittakers.
Before cutting ties, Laita contacted Betty to ensure she understood he hadn’t withheld any funds. Her seemingly confused response only added to his frustration.
Another scandal involving the Whittakers emerged earlier this year when Larry Whittaker was falsely reported dead.

Laita announced Larry’s supposed death on his YouTube channel, citing relatives who claimed he had died of a heart attack.
At a later date, it would be revealed that Larry was alive and unaware of the rumors about his death.
In a subsequent video, he appeared alongside his daughter who admitted to lying about his death to obtain money – she had been given $1,000 for Larry’s ‘funeral.’
She expressed remorse over the lie as she puffed on a cigarette, saying: “I shouldn’t have done it.
“I’m trying to get help for my drug addiction.”

The situation escalated further when the filmmaker gave Larry $700, with the understanding that he would use the money to take his daughter to North Carolina to start a new life.
Laita clarified that his relationship with the Whittakers was contingent on this plan.
Yet it would soon be alleged that Larry had kept the money without following through on the agreement.
Laita would air his frustrations over the situation in a chat with Larry’s cousin, which has been documented on Soft White Underbelly.
He said: “I don’t know what to do with them other than just walk away.”

Laita is now cautioning others against replicating his documentary work with the Whittakers.
He says the family is unlikely to deliver a warm reception to visitors, adding: “They are kind of protected by the neighbors and the relatives [who] don’t like these people coming to ridicule them.”
Meanwhile, pastor William Plumley tells the Daily Mail: “I think the documentary about them is good and bad, good because it has helped them. But also it’s brought a lot of people to the area who just want to mess with them.”
Hairdresser Lists Four Things She Can’t Stand Clients Doing In Brutally Honest Rant
A hairdresser has gone viral after listing the four things she can’t stand clients doing.
Emily Pytel has stirred up the world of hairstyling after sharing a brutally honest video on TikTok.
In her post, the cosmetologist goes through the customer ‘icks’ that can be frustrating for hairdressers during appointments.
Pytel’s honest revelations have ignited a heated debate on salon etiquette and the often misunderstood dynamics between stylists and their clients.

Reacting to Pytel’s video, one TikToker comments: “Not going to lie, this gave me more anxieties and insecurities around going to a salon, I am always worried they are judging me.”
A second person comments: “This is why I color my own hair. I don’t want to get judged for doing something wrong lol.”
So, let’s find out why Pytel’s video has ignited such comments by taking a look at the four ‘icks’:
1. Dirty hair
Pytel’s first and perhaps most contentious point addresses clients arriving with unwashed hair.
In the viral video, the hairdresser firmly states: “When a client comes to me with super dirty hair, just no.”
Elaborating, she adds: “We don’t want to touch your dirty hair but it’s also not good for your color, it doesn’t take as well.”
This revelation has surprised many viewers, as conflicting advice has circulated for years about the ideal state of hair for coloring appointments.
The confusion is evident in the comments, with one viewer expressing: “I was always told to get your hair colored with dirty hair.”
However, some commenters are siding with Pytel, as another person shares: “Once my hair was filthy and I asked my stylist last time and she said day old hair is only for styling, otherwise come with it clean.”
2. Eye contact
Pytel’s second ‘ick’ addresses a common yet often overlooked faux pas during hair washing.
“Don’t do that, it is awkward for everybody – just close your eyes,” she advises, referring to clients who make eye contact as their hair is shampooed.

3. Rudeness
The third point on Pytel’s list touches on punctuality and consideration.
The hairstylist explains: “When you show up late but you have a coffee in your hand and don’t have one for us. We love coffee too and we need the caffeine to do your hair.”
This comment in particular has sparked a debate among viewers, with some pushing back against this expectation: “I am not bringing coffee for someone I don’t know.”
In agreement, another adds: “Get your own coffee, but I get it is annoying when people are late.”
4. Turning your head
Pytel’s final ‘ick’ addresses a habit many clients might not realize is problematic.
She says: “When you are in our chair and we turn our chair and the head looks back at the mirror, please don’t do that because there is a reason we are turning your chair.”
This particular insight offers clients a glimpse into the nature of hairstyling and the importance of trusting the process.
@dailyblastlive Emily Pytel (@emilyrosepytel), a hairstylist from Chicago, came on DBL Thursday to explain the ‘icks’ she shared when it comes to customers. Earlier this week we shared her ‘TikTok video that went viral over the four things she can’t stand when it comes to clients. One of those ‘icks’ was when clients show up with dirty hair. Heres why she said this. #hairstyle #hairstylist #tiktok #annoying #annoyed #annoyance #hairdresser #dirtyhair #chicago ♬ original sound – DBL
Are you guilty of any of these ‘icks’?
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Priest Who ‘Died And Visited Hell’ Says He Saw Demons Singing Rihanna
A priest claims he temporarily ‘died and visited hell,’ where he saw demons singing a Rihanna song.
Pastor Gerald Johnson says when he suffered a heart attack in February 2016 his ‘spirit left his physical body.’
Before the alleged experience, he had believed he would go to heaven ‘as he had done so much good in the world and helped so many people.’
But to Johnson’s surprise, he went ‘straight down to the center of the Earth,’ otherwise known as hell.

In a viral video on TikTok, Johnson says he was baffled there was a place in hell where demonic versions of songs were playing ‘to torment you.’
Bizarrely, one of the tracks was ‘Umbrella’ by Rihanna, while another was Bobby McFerrin’s ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy.’
After seeing Johnson’s videos, many have taken to social media and reacted, with one writing: “Like everyone would love to live in this hell!”
“I can’t wait to dance to ‘Umbrella’ in hell!” another jokes.
A third person says: “I’m not one to joke about hell at all, but damn they play good music in hell?”

Johnson believes a lot of music is demonically inspired, claiming: “Every lyric to every song is to torment you [for] the fact that you didn’t worship God through music when you were on the Earth… you chose to worship Satan by repeating the lyrics that he inspired to come into the Earth.”
In another area of hell, Johnson claims he saw ‘what looked like a man, on all fours, like a dog, he was burned from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet and his eyes were bulging out,’ with a demon holding a chain around the man’s neck.
The priest says: “I saw the real hell, I was there and I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy. I don’t care what the person has done to me. I would never wish that on them.”

Many people have asked the priest why he went to hell if he did such good in the world.
Well, Johnson has the answer…
The priest believes Jesus had a message for him: “He said, ‘You have been secretly upset with the people who have hurt you. You had been hoping that I would punish the people that hurt you. These are not your people. These are my people. I only want you to focus on the assignment I am giving you.’”
Johnson continues: “The root of it is that although I did good and gave a lot to people, the thing that I had in my heart was unforgiveness towards people that have done me wrong.
“That’s my experience with hell, it is a real place. God doesn’t send people to hell, people send themselves to hell.”
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You Have A High IQ If You Can Spot Hidden Tiger In Jungle Photo In Just 12 Seconds
A photo of a tiger hiding in the jungle has gone viral on social media – apparently, if you spot it quickly it indicates a high IQ!
Cognitive challenges which involve people finding hidden objects within complex images are taking the internet by storm.
Previously, everyone was puzzled by a mind-bending image of a snow leopard, as nobody could spot it.
And now, a brand new image has left the internet baffled.

With the photo shown above, the premise is simple: a tiger is concealed within a dense jungle scene, and your task is to locate it in just 12 seconds.
If you can do this successfully, it’s a strong indicator that you possess exceptional perceptual abilities.
So… can you spot the tiger?
It’s safe to say that people have gone wild for the challenge, with one boasting: “Got it in 7!”
A second says: “5 seconds.”
“It’s hiding behind John Cena, right there!” jokes a third.
Not everyone has found the challenge so easy, with some taking to the comments and asking for help.
“Okay, put me out of my misery. Where is it hiding?” one person asks.
Another adds: “Even after ten hours I still don’t see it.”

Imagine finding yourself in a dense jungle with only 12 seconds to locate a hidden tiger before it pounces.
Your survival hinges on your ability to spot the animal in time.
If you succeed, you’ll either dodge its attack or dissuade it with direct eye contact, making it reconsider its ambush.
This scenario isn’t one you’d want to test in reality, but maintaining eye contact might be your best bet if you ever face such a situation.

If you spot the tiger quickly, it supposedly indicates you have a high IQ and sharp vision.
The Sun explains: “Your eyes need to be able to differentiate seeing something out of the ordinary in this challenge.
“If you have a sharp brain, this will not prove difficult as you will be able to piece together all the information you’re seeing.”
You may spot the tiger immediately or need to scrutinize every part of the image – either way, the test is really about detecting unusual details and rapidly figuring out their significance.
So, where exactly is the tiger hiding?
If you look below the central tree, the animal can be seen crouching in the greenery.

Did you spot the tiger? Let us know in the comments.
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Pet Chimp Owner Screams ‘He Ripped Her Face Off’ In Harrowing 911 Call
In a harrowing 911 call, a pet chimpanzee can be heard screaming violently as ‘he rips off’ a woman’s face.
At just three days old, Travis the chimp was ‘adopted’ by Sandra and Jerry Herold – they had reportedly paid a breeder $50,000.
He would then be raised as Sandra’s ‘son.’
Travis would become a local celebrity – wearing human clothes, drinking wine, eating in restaurants, and using the toilet.

Following the death of Jerry, who passed away from stomach cancer in 2004, Sandra reunited with her friend Charla Nash.
At this point, Travis was 14 years old, five feet tall, 240 pounds, and morbidly obese, reports New York Magazine.
He reportedly spent his days ‘snacking, watching TV, playing on the computer, and roaming the house.’
This would all come to an end on February 16, 2009, when there would be a horrifying and brutal attack.

On the day of the tragedy, Sandra noticed Travis appeared agitated and disinterested in his usual activities.
As he was acting so oddly, Sandra put a Xanax into his tea, hoping this would help.
She would raise her concerns with Charla in a phone call – she explained that he was outside and running from car to car.
Charla volunteered to come over and help with the situation, bringing a toy to help him calm him down.

Travis was reportedly confused when Charla arrived, as she had changed her hair.
He knuckle-ran towards her and stood up on his two legs, knocking her into the side of her car and then to the ground.
Immediately, Charla was covered in blood.
To try and stop the chimp from attacking her friend, Sandra screamed and grabbed a nearby shovel. She began beating Travis over the head, yet he continued attacking Charla.
In hysterics, Sandra grabbed a butcher’s knife from the house and plunged it into the chimp’s back. Still, he did not stop.
Sandra would stab Travis two more times, to little effect. At one point, he would turn and directly look at her, before continuing the attack.
In the gut-wrenching 911 call, the chimp’s owner would sob: “He ripped her apart! Hurry up! Hurry up! Please!
“He-he ripped her face off!”
Elsewhere in the call, Sandra cried: “I can’t. I can’t… He’s eating her! He’s eating her!”

Eventually, authorities arrived and saw a body lying on the ground, seemingly lifeless.
Travis would be shot four times by a police officer – wounded, he retreated into the home, dying in his bedroom.
Somehow, Charla survived the horrific attack.
The chimp had bitten or torn away Charla’s eyelids, nose, jaw, lips, and most of her scalp. He’d broken nearly all of her facial bones. He’d fully removed one of her hands and the other one entirely. She was also rendered blind.

Nine months after the attack, Charla would be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. She told the talk show host she had no memory of the attack.
“I don’t want to remember, because I couldn’t imagine what it was like,” Charla said. “I want to get healthy. I don’t want to wake up with nightmares.”
Charla would sue Herold for $50 million but received only $4 million in a settlement in 2012, reports the Los Angeles Times.
Her attorney, Charles Willinger, described it as ‘grossly inadequate’ and stated it ‘does not begin to address Charla’s mounting medical bills and life care needs.’
Charla would eventually undergo a double hand and face transplant. While the face transplant was a success, the hands failed to thrive, as per Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Just over a year after the attack, Sandra died aged 72 from a sudden ruptured aortic aneurysm.
Charla was left shocked after hearing the news from her brother.
She said: “Sandra was a troubled woman, and maybe she has some peace now.”
New York Magazine reports that Sandra would be buried with two urns beside her, one her daughter’s and the other belonging to Travis.